Flipkart SDE1 Interview Experience

2 min readMay 8, 2021


Experience : 2 years as a Software Developer

I got a referral from one of my college alumni for the SDE1 position at Flipkart and after 2 weeks I got a call from the recruiter saying that my profile had been shortlisted for the interview that was scheduled to be held a week later.

Interview Round 1:

This was a Machine Coding round where I had to design a Conference Room Allocation System, which comprised of several buildings, each building comprised of several floors, and each floor comprised of several conference rooms. The following criteria had to be implemented:

  1. Add building
  2. Add floor in a building
  3. Add conference room in a particular floor of a particular building
  4. Allocate a conference room for a particular time slot to a person
  5. Cancel allocation
  6. List the availability of rooms for particular time slots

Around 2 hours were given to code this. This round mostly focused on how the edge cases are handled. The code should be able to get compiled and tested. It didn’t focus much on the OOPS concepts.
Resource to learn and practice: https://workat.tech/machine-coding/article/what-is-a-machine-coding-round-omfn1w54ojlg

Interview Round 2:

This round comprised of Data Structures and Problem Solving. I was given 2 questions which I was able to solve within 30 mins.

Question 1: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-sum-contiguous-subarray/

Question 2: Similar to https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/number-of-mismatching-bits-in-the-binary-representation-of-two-integers/

Interview Round 3:

This was the Hiring Manager Round and comprised of general behavioral questions. We discussed my hackathons, my current project, about the challenges that I faced in the projects.

This was also 30–35 mins round and the HM was really impressed with my answers.



Responses (3)